Old’ is not a rude word. If age is just a number, then age can also be levels in the game of life. (Imagine the Super Mario theme music as you read this). When you face the different levels before you, you can’t see what the twists and challenges will be. You hope that you will succeed, and even if you don’t, there’s always another challenge to conquer that can progress you up another level. Some of your peers may still be on Level 14, while you are battling your way through 15 or 16 or …
My game score is quite high – I’m nearly at Level 60, and I can tell you that the retrospective view from this level is AWESOME. Looking back on the game, I can see where I was awarded bonus points that I definitely did not deserve, and when I was saved many times though no merit of my own.
In 2024, my game level is officially “old,” and I can tell you that I’m very happy to be here. “Old” is not a rude word after all. Remember that the West’s obsession with youth culture is a relatively new phenomenon, as for many years and in many cultures across the world, old age was and is respected and valued.
Being an older teacher in high school allows me the best of all the life levels. I get to learn from my young students and colleagues every day, I get to watch as students learn, grow, and progress – and that grants me the energy and ideas boost of a lower level, though I have also gained a few more wrinkles from worrying about some students than I had planned.
My own game has been lived with a mix of what I call ‘cautious bravery’ and a lot of faith in God. This has allowed me to build wonderful relationships, to live and to work in a range of roles and in countries (at peace and at war) around the world, trusting that God is with me at all times. Let me tell you that when bombs are landing nearby (and boy, are they loud), your faith is what keeps you going. God has blessed me, guided me and rescued me innumerable times over different levels.
Now I’m looking forward – I’m excited to see what my future life levels will hold. I know that God will be with me on each one. Vive l’ancien’.