Top Gun: Maverick – Worth leaving your house for


Top Gun was one the best movies …. I have ever seen!  It is a fast-paced, high-action film with many note-worthy scenes. The extent the movie went, to portray the action scenes went above and beyond, as seen in the flight sequences where the actors experience real g-force.  

Although the acting may have been corny and cliché (especially from Maverick’s love interest, Penny) this movie was still one for the books…  and we can’t forget Tom Cruise right! He was the best actor there, accompanying Rooster in the highly entertaining crash scene; quoting Tom “What were you thinking Rooster?” and Rooster replies “You told me not to think!”  

The suspense in the film that left me on the edge of my seat, had me convinced that any one of my favourite characters would die at any time.  

Or how about the throwbacks to the original Top Gun! It was like a nostalgia trip, for example, the flashback scene of the pub struck a chord with many people, including me.  

An honourable mention can be given to the bad boy role of ‘Hangman’ who echoed the original film’s version of ‘Ice’. Although he was portrayed in a cliché manner, the character blended so well into the story and made for a very entertaining fight scene!   

In my opinion, this movie was not meant to show prime acting skills, but rather top-notch cinematics, which is very much achieved. Overall, this movie had a lot of hype and expectation to live up to and it fulfilled the viewer’s needs whilst still paying homage to the original film.  

9/10 bin chickens