The day before high school was probably the day that I stressed the most in my entire life. Despite packing my bag the day before, I couldn’t help but feel that something was missing. My parents told me it was just my nerves. I was so nervous that I could barely sleep. I was tossing and turning in my bed as negative thoughts whirled through my brain. Would I make friends? Will my teachers like me? Would I be able to submit all my homework on time?
I felt so nervous and fidgety despite knowing that God was going to be by my side the entire time.
I remember getting lost on my first day. It was after my first Math’s class in the Branwhite Centre, and I was super confused as to how to get back to the Cola. I took a wrong turn and noticed a group of students sitting down and chatting. I mustered up the courage to ask them if they could point me towards the cola. A kindhearted girl from that group walked me over to the Cola. She introduced herself, helped me understand the directions of the school and even complimented me. I felt so warm and included.
As the days went by, I realised that there was nothing to be scared of. I made lots of connections across all my classes and even with people that weren’t even in my class! All my teachers were super nice and they always understand me if I can’t submit my homework on time. If I forget any equipment that I need on the day for that class, my teachers are always considerate and understand my reasoning before advising me to bring it next time. Seven weeks into high school, I find myself signing up for different co-curricular activities and building closer connections with all my new friends. I’d like to share some of the tips I followed in order to make my high school experience enjoyable.
Tip #1: Complete homework as soon as you get it.
Before starting high school, I was worried about not being able to finish my homework on time. However, after using this particular strategy, it helped me a lot. On the day that I get the homework, I just do it. Many people like to procrastinate and leave their assignments only for the day that it’s due. This is a huge mistake as it will leave you stressed out and scurrying to finish your homework. Not only does this increase stress levels but it also decreases the quality of your work. Using this strategy really helps me and I’m sure it’ll help you too.
Tip #2: Try out for as many clubs and activities as possible.
After my first two – three weeks of high school, I began settling in and building closer connections. At that time, when my parents told me to sign up for some clubs, I was feeling a bit reluctant. Did I really want to give up my lunchtime for this? What if my friends had fun without me? Would I miss out? I decided to try at least one activity before signing up for the others. After the first meeting, I realised it was actually really fun. I got to sharpen my skills in that certain activity and make some new friends with people from different year levels. I found myself inviting my friends along and having even more fun. I soon realised that signing up for co-curricular activities didn’t weaken connections with my friends but rather help me build more and more connections. You’ll make plenty of friends as you become more involved with the school because there are plenty of people just like you. After all, bright minds think alike.
So, there you have it! two tips that I used to help me settle into high school. If you’re in my position and you’re struggling to submit your homework on time or find the courage to sign up for any co-curricular activities, just follow these tips. Overall, I’m very grateful for the close-knit community of students and kind-hearted teachers here at the college.
Bella • Mar 20, 2025 at 12:42 pm
Awesome article! Keep it up 🙂
Freya M • Mar 19, 2025 at 6:11 pm
These tips are great.