As the 2025 Swimming Carnival drew near, the all-known anticipation increased as the big question of which house would win dwelled on everyone’s mind as everybody was eager to see who the new house champions for this year’s Swimming Carnival would be.
The excitement felt on the morning of the carnival was definitely contagious as students were buzzing with enthusiasm, especially on the bus ride to Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre where the carnival this year was held. Upon arrival, races took off quickly and with a bang swimmers started making their way down to the pools.
But for the noncompetitive swimmers out there, the House Battles were definitely just as exciting as it was their first year at the WCC Swimming Carnival. Everybody was keen to participate and jump in the pool as we saw incredible participation numbers from students across all eight houses, especially since the House Battles were a new and unfamiliar competition to all. They involve houses trying to get as many students as they can through the pool while racing alongside other houses, almost like a 20 minute relay.
And while the pool was very busy with heaps of students getting involved, the canteen was also another place that was very busy, like always. At the canteen, there was definitely a favourite order among students, the classic hot chips you can smell from anywhere in the centre; and at $7.50, some would call them overpriced, and some would disagree. After all, you can’t go wrong with something like hot chips, that cannot disappoint.
Speaking of not disappointing, Year 12 definitely did not disappoint with their costumes and the energy they brought to the carnival, with costumes such as lifeguards, bananas, crew mates, police officers, cheer leaders and so much more! And to wrap it all up, they had one last jump/entrance into the pool together which was a very wholesome moment for the grade, especially since it was their last Swimming Carnival.
So, with lots of activities to get involved with, I think it’s safe to say that the Swimming Carnival was lots of fun for everybody involved as well as everybody spectating, as the contagious excitement and cheering helped houses bring home victories, and have an amazing day.