School photos happened this Monday, and I thought I would give some (late) advice on how to look good in your school photo. You may be thinking have I ever actually been able to pull off a half decent school photo? No… but a girl can dream.
The first step is to spend two days before practicing your smile in every reflective surface you see – just to forget how to smile the second you sit down to take the picture. You can also always just blink mid photo and your emails will forever be haunted by a picture of you looking half-way through a sneeze.
The second step is to try and tame your hair. Photo day seems to always be the most humid day of the year so anyone who has long hair ends up with a frizzy mess and hundreds of flyaways. Even if your hair looks good before the photo somehow the day you get photos back you will see all the flyaways and frizz that you swear wasn’t there when you took the photo.
The final step is to mentally prepare for the worst. That being the photo being so bad the group chat gets ahold of it, and suddenly your whole friend groups laptops are decorated with a picture that will haunt you till you get to retake your school photo for next year.
I wish all of you the best, and most of all I wish me the best because unfortunately I have been cursed with 12 years of bad school photos, and I cannot handle another.