We Are the Student Voice

Timothy Z (Year 11)

As we all know the Student Representative Council gathers every term to discuss important matters regarding the school. Your Year Leaders from across grades, the Prefects, and the College Captains meet to discuss issues in the school and voice the opinions of students. From discussing Dr. Marsh’s distaste for the bell, to the increasing prices at the canteen, the lack of EFTPOS support, all the way to the unscrewing of doors in the boys’ bathrooms, the SRC examines a multitude of important topics.  

On Wednesday, the 1st of June, the SRC came together for the second time this year. Mr. Clarke, who participated as a talking laptop through a teams call in the previous SRCs, attended the meeting in person for the first time. He reported on the stakeholder responses to the recommendations made in previous meetings, which Dr Marsh briefly covered in assembly. The following conclusions/decisions were made: 

  1. 40% of Year 7-10s still find they are receiving regular homework from subjects other than mathematics, despite the new curriculum’s aspiration to minimise homework this year. 
  2. Unanimous vote for a direct link to the Canteen menu to be on the Connect homepage. 
  3. Unanimous vote for co-curricular information to be accessible on the Connect homepage while the new timetable is implemented. 

Student Survey 

The results of the school-wide student survey were also reported on by Mr. Clarke. It was found that: 

  1. All students would like greater leniency with having a bathroom break in the middle of the long periods.  
  2. Unanimous vote that mentor would be more beneficial being after recess 
  3. The younger years find the mentor period a waste, due to its short length of time. 
  4. Attendance on Wednesday’s due to MYCAH was raised by Year 11s as it is regularly their lowest attended day of the week. 


In Term 1’s SRC meeting, the prefects decided to create sub-committees to address certain aspects of the college. These committees ranged from events, service opportunities, litter, and the boys’ bathrooms (yes, unfortunately). 

After hearing from each sub-committee, the SRC decided on the following recommendations and potential implementations: 

  1. Increase service opportunities; both compulsory and volunteering.  
  2. Ensure the cleaning of the bathrooms is consistent throughout the college. Air fresheners in bathrooms and closer moderation of boys abusing the privilege to go to the bathroom.  
  3. Trial students bringing plastic containers instead of wrapped food to reduce waste. 

The Bell 

The SRC expressed gratitude about having the bell back. However, after a new vote, it was found that there were mixed opinions surrounding the current ‘Pink Panther’ theme. 

Room Changes 

Another topic raised in the SRC was the slow, ineffective process of room changes. If there is no note on the door or they have not been contacted via email or connect, students are often left unaware that they have a room change. The lack of communication leads to time lost in the lesson and general confusion amongst students as to where their room has been changed too. 

Thus, the SRC requests that this issue be addressed, and proposes a few solutions: 

  • Through a connect post 
  • A change to the Connect timetable (with a notification for students)  
  • Or consistency of leaving a note at the classroom door, notifying students of their room change 


Issues regarding the cleanliness, functioning and behaviour in the bathrooms were raised by the SRC. Using bathroom as an excuse to: 

  • Socialise 
  • Go on their phones 
  • Vape 
  • Or engage in bad behaviour  

…were particular issues that were raised. Functional problems such as hand dryers not working (e.g. in the girls Branwhite Centre bathroom) were also mentioned. 

The SRC requests the resolving of functional issues as well as cameras outside bathrooms to deter bad behaviour and regulate issues that may arise. Vape detectors would also reduce the issue of vaping in bathrooms. Girls have also requested a ‘care package’ for their bathrooms with items such as tampons and hairbrushes.  

Religious Jewellery & Uniform 

The SRC discussed a pressing topic of religious jewellery regarding the college uniform policy. Students felt that their peers should be able to express their faith (in whatever religion) within reason, through jewellery such as a cross necklace. The SRC voted unanimously.  

The SRC also discussed other aspects of the uniform policy such as the removal of being able to wear ‘natural makeup’ which was previously allowed, as well as the potential for girls to wear pants. To further explore this topic and gather a range of views and recommendations, a Uniform Subcommittee has been created and will report its findings at the next SRC Meeting. 

The SRC requests amendment and clarity regarding jewellery and in particular the allowance for religious jewellery to be worn. 

We Are 

The SRC expressed positive feedback regarding We Are and raised more ideas about types of content the student body may like to see. For example, videos, podcasts, student creations, etc. 

And of course, this article as well!