We Are Running – WCC Cross Country
May 18, 2022
Edited by Liv S (Year 12)
Cross country is such an amazing experience as it challenges all of us to get on our feet and race against our friends. Cross country is a one-year experience which many people look forward to, yet, sadly, Cross Country this year was much different to the rest, with the whole school being unable to join us. Nonetheless, it was such a fun and new experience as only a little bunch of people raced.
As everyone knows, the grounds this year at Fred Caterson were super muddy, which we all believe the parents weren’t happy about! Our shoes, clothes and even the backs of our legs were muddy! All of us definitely went home to take a shower and clean our shoes by the end of that. Although we secretly missed the perks of the annual Colour run, Cross Country was still just as fun.
The new course also gave the run an interesting twist, with the run starting out on a concrete path – luckily, no one fell over at the beginning of the race, like last year! Yet, the track was still a little dangerous, given the mud covering the track, adding in another obstacle to overcome!
We were able to watch and praise our elite athletes, giving them the opportunity to compete for a position in the next HZSA level. With a mostly competitive atmosphere, most of us ran as fast as we could to win, hoping to get to this next level. Even though we all tried our hardest, only one person could take the win in each age group. Congratulations to all the winners and everyone that gave cross country a go!
Next time, I’d be so excited to see even more participation by everyone in the school to give Cross Country a go, as it will make the Carnival more of a fun experience! Thank you to everyone that ran Cross Country to make the day just as spectacular as any other year, despite the circumstances we were placed in. It particularly meant a lot that we didn’t have to miss out on the opportunity to go to HZSA. Thank you to the teachers that made this day happen as well – without you, we would not have been able to compete and have such a fun day at Fred Caterson!
Good luck to everyone that has made it to HZSA – the whole school wishes you the best of luck!