Well, here we are (pun not intended, but unfortunately there was no better way to put that phrase), our second trip around the sun and still standing strong, what a journey it has been.
A few days ago – May 10th – marked the second anniversary of We Are. To act as the conduit for authentic student voice for two years now has been an astounding opportunity, as well as a monumental privilege to serve on behalf of the student community as an unbound outlet for creativity and sharing.
As we make our way through term 2, it has dawned on us that we’re more than half way through our time as Editors in Chief, and couldn’t be more proud of what the site has achieved with so much more to come.
Just these past 6 months, we have introduced our new satire section, The Ibis, as well as our newly added Multimedia Team who have worked tirelessly on their first part of the 3 and Counting Documentary, with part 2 to come out shortly. Those of you who have been around the Branwhite centre would have also noticed We Are claiming their headquarters in the middle floor. We also had our second Teacher Takeover event at the end of last term, with more to come soon – keep a lookout!
Our relationship with our international partners, North Carolina’s Teen Scene, regularly exchanging articles. 12 articles from We Are have been featured on their website in the last 6 months, check them out here.
With that, we still look forward to our final months ahead as the 2023-2024 editorial team, with prospects of many more years to come from the future teams.
As of today, We Are is very closely approaching our 500th story and 200th comment – the opportunity and discussion that this site has opened for William Clarke College is undeniably impact, and we look forward to our continued service to provide this outlet.
Make sure to get you photo submissions in before the deadline next week!