Setting the Pace – WCC Cross Country 2023

Patrick M (Year 11)

In Week 1 this term, after facing a demanding two days of school, the Secondary School found themselves lining up on the oval, house after house, excited for the day ahead.  

It was that time of the year, the final carnival: Cross Country. 

The march to Fred Caterson was led by Andrews, as hundreds of students walked down the narrow, weedy path. Walking into the venue, Mr Trenery once again set the atmosphere for the day, with the highest quality speakers to date! As Warren and White finally made their way in, the students settled down. After making some targeted comments about certain houses, the day commenced.  

The first races were the 16, 17, 18, and 19-years boys, facing the longest track, totalling 6km after two laps. The 4km racers were next, consisting of 14 and 15-years boys, and 14-19 years girls, and finally the 12 and 13-years racers with a 3km course. Congratulations to the competitors in any of these races for giving it a go! 

As the Year 11 leadership team set up for the final event, we got time to soak up the lovely atmosphere and weather while we waited for the participants to start their event. Once everything was set, students were sent back to their house areas for the announcement that the race was ready. Led by the Year 12’s, the whole Secondary School commenced the annual colour run, a race where the coloured powder is thrown all over the racers as they run, jog, or walk the course. It is an incredible opportunity to participate as a school, and practically every student got involved. As the Year 12’s finished their final run, they took to the oval for a year group photo. 

After a tiring day, Mr Trenery came back to the microphone with an exciting announcement. Unlike the usual wait for results, the staff had taken an effort to count the points on the day, and the results were about to be announced. After a tense drumroll, 8th place was awarded to none other than Robinson. You’ll get there, guys. Congratulations to Langdon for taking out the win. 

The day was a huge success, as the student body walked back to the college (looking much more tired, might I add) and went home, concluding our first week back to school. While this was the last carnival of the year, there are still many more house events to go, and it’s still anybody’s game (even you, Robinson) …